Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My mom is so annoying and sorta disgraceful. She is hostaging other people. Like let's out a nasty message secretly. She's having the wrong attitude. She's been making me feel quite bloated, and I think it's very stupid.
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My mom is crazy, she brought up my dad's mom and is making me feel fat for no reason. She's fat. She's drives me like a loon. I need to change since Tim Burton. You know, my mom isn't perfect, and my dad's side isn't to be just called shit. They're old.. I am my own person. I have my own knowledge with beliefs. I just wasted my time at the mall, couldn't sleep, tried to earlier. I am being bugged.
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Why have you all gone crazy telling me I'm fat and dead like my dad? ':/ I'm my own person. WHAT!
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Why did I become taboo and why am I walked over all the time??
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Sears RR, not all the way.. :o
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